Friday, October 1, 2010

Reading Time

On my fourth day at the elementary, I was able to stay for two hours with my class. When I arrived, the teacher was going around each table grading the homework from the night before. The other kids were reading as they waited for their homework to be graded. Yesterday was spanosh day, so their books were in Spanish. I started helping a little boy read. I could tell he was slighlty behind from the others because he was still having a difficult time reading. For the 20 minutes provided to them to read, I sat beside him and helped him through words he couldn not read. It was an amazing feeling to know that I was helping someone learn. Once the time was done, the teacher turned on her Active Board and wrote down three questions in Spanish to determine comprehension on what the kids had learned. They all had to write down the questions and answers in their journals. Many of the kids needed help and sionce the teacher was testing another student, I was in charge of going around each table helping whoever needed help. That's my favorite part about going to the elementary. The part where I help kids one-on-one and am able to answer whatever questions they have and see the look on thier faces when they finally understand. It is quite rewarding. Whenevery they finished their work, they were able to go to the stations set up in the classroom. I was really impressed by the fact that the teacher used the Active Board as a station. On it she had the alphabet, and the kids could drag each l;etter to make words. For the most part, it was a really productive day. Since I got to stay longer, I was there for when they changed classroom. The new set of kids were first a little apprehensive of me. They didn't really ask me many questions, but I anyway went around and tried to be involved in what they were doing. I really enjoy going over there every Thursday and my teacher said she enjoyed having me there.

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