Friday, October 8, 2010


When I arrived at the elementary, my teacher was out for a treaning. The subsitute did not know any spanish so I took over and explained to the kids what the assignment was. They had to work on complete senteces and their alphabet. For the most part, all the kids could do the work. I went around each table answering questions and guiding kids through the assignment. I really felt like a teacher. There was a a little boy who still does not know how to read or write on his own. The question came to my mind, how exactly do you teach a child how to read and write? I worked for most of the class period with this little boy trying to get him to be able to do the assignment on the his own. I know that whenever I go back to the elementary I would like to ask my teacher how you go about in teaching someone to read and write. I discovered that in a classroom , each kid has different abilities and a teacher must adapt in order for each and every child to be succesful. This brings in the idea that a teacher must be "child centered" or enjoy being around chidlren to be able to make each kid learn as much as possible. If a teacher is not "child centered" then she most likely doesn't like her job and thios could hinder the learning process in the classroom because the teacher does not love what she does. My teacher is really nice and respectful, which are important qualities in a teacher. Teachers are the roles models kids grow up with. This makes it important for teachers to have higher standards because it would be counterproductive to have a bad influence on kids. When a teacher has good qualities, then they are able to make a positive influnece in a child's life. I know that once I become a teacher I would want to have good communication not just with my co-workeers but with the students and their families as well. I'd like to establish a good relationship with my students so they feel comfortable enough to come to me with questions or any problems they might have. A child's performance in school is dependent on their families influence. I would liek to keep the parents informed on their child performances by having parent-teacher conferences not just with the kids who are struggling but the the kids who are doing well. Also, I would like to keep in touch through a website, as so many teachers have, so the parents know what their child is doing at school. Because technology is increasingly becoming a key factor in our society today, I'd like to incorporate it into the learning process. I believe that when rightly used, Active Boards really enhance learning because there are so many opportunities to use slideshows and get hands on learning. Each time i go to the elemteray and help kids and see their excitement when they understand the material, it motivates me even more to become a teacher. I want to be able to influence each kid and help them achieve whatever they want to achieve. Each visit makes me sure that I want to become a teacher.

1 comment:

  1. Selah, your blog is excellent! I am enjoying reading your comments and observations about your work with your students.
