Monday, February 7, 2011

In class, we have been studying what Harry Wong has to say about being an effective teacher and how prodecures will allow for a teacher to run a succesful classroom. What I found interesting the last time I went to the elementary was that my teacher had Harry Wong's book on being an effective teacher. I began to really notice how she handles the classroom and spotted different procedures she has in place. Something new I saw last Thursday was seeing the students get ready to take a test. My teacher instructed them to clear everything off their desk and be in ready position, which was having both arms on the desk and sitting properly. Next, she handed out the dividers to give each student their space and discourage them from looking some place other than their test. When she saw that everyone was ready, she passed out the test. They, as a class, filled out the name and date and put their pencils down when they were ready. Finally, the teacher instructed them to begin the test. After they were done, they were instructed to check over their work. Lastly, the students raised their hands so the teacher could pick up the test. She had a list of things to do after each t5he test was done, so the students knew exactly what they were expected to do. I found this procedure very effective because the students followed each step and were ready to work. Other small procedures Ive seen my teacher implement is when the students move from the reading carpet to the desk or vice versa. She begins by getting their attention with the signal they've learned and instructing them table by table to go to the designated area. From what I've seen, I think my teacher has a good hold of the students. They seem to follow procedures and intructions.

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