Friday, April 1, 2011

As the year gears up to end, preparing the students for test is the main priority. The teacher had the students rotate stations while she worked individually with each student on their reading. I love when the students work in these stations because I get to go around and help and interact with each of them. While some read, others used computers to read a book online, and others praxcticed their writing. Overall, it was a productive day.

Within an elementary classroom, each student is at a different skill level. This problem is more evident in elementary because the students are developing at different levels. I've seen differential teaching in my classroom. There is a student who's skill level lags significantly behind the other students. My teacher, and myself, have had to accommodate when the assignment involves reading and writing. While I don't think this student is classified as special education, this is a great example of how my teacher has to develop different ways of teaching to help all student achieve success. I believe that no matter what a student's disability may be, it is important to allow them to have the same opportunities for an education as the rest of students. A disability only shows that a student has to have accommodations, however it is not an excuse to label this student as incapable of learning. As a future teacher, I would try to incorporate as much as I could any special needs student in my class with the regular students. Not only would this help the student learn, but it will also promote awareness among the the other student to respect everyone no matter their disabilities.

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